Trainings with NAMI Indiana

Advocate & Inform

As the state organization of the National Alliance on Mental Illness, NAMI Indiana trains affiliates, leaders, and volunteers across Indiana. In addition to training individuals to offer NAMI signature programs, NAMI Indiana is a key stakeholder in advocating for Hoosiers living with mental illness. In this role, NAMI Indiana partners with the public to offer free mental health trainings. These trainings are intended to expand the NAMI mission and build better lives for the individuals impacted by mental illness in our state. 

NAMI Indiana's staff is equipped to offer training courses for professionals and the general public. Additionally, NAMI Indiana curates two annual events that bring together experts and practitioners for in-depth sessions and workshops. Many of our events are continuing education credit opportunities.

Each year, NAMI Indiana pulls together a diverse group of leaders from the criminal justice field to provide education and new tools for professionals. The NAMI Indiana Mental Health and Criminal Justice Summit creates significant and positive changes in policies within Indiana's
criminal justice system. Learn more here.

The NAMI Indiana State Conference works to bring together the latest in research, training, recovery models, mental health experts, and information on new policies that will affect the lives of children and adults living with serious mental illnesses. Hundreds of Hoosiers gather for this event seeking new and better ways to manage and live with serious mental illnesses and how they can help others. Learn more here. 

Youth Mental Health
First Aid

Designed to teach adults who regularly interact with young people how to help an adolescent (age 12-18) who is experiencing a mental health or addictions challenge or is in crisis. Learn more here.

QPR - Question. Persuade. Refer.

QPR stands for Question, Persuade, and Refer — the 3 simple steps anyone can learn to help save a life from suicide. For more information, contact

Mental Illness 101

Allow an experienced and trained NAMI Indiana staff member to provide an overview of the major mental illnesses a description of signs and symptoms. This presentation shares about serious mental illness and equips audience members to help us break the stigma. For more information, contact

NAMI 101

NAMI Indiana staff would love to tell you more about our mission and the NAMI model. Learn about each of the NAMI signature programs offered in Indiana and each of our affiliates throughout the state. To share more about NAMI with your staff, cohort, or organization, contact

NAMI Indiana Lived Experience Presentations

Do you have lived experience with mental illness? Would you like to help us train and inform the public about mental illness? Complete an instructional course to become a lived experience presenter with NAMI Indiana. 

NAMI presentations offer audiences the opportunity to hear stories of lived experience from people with mental health conditions. They create awareness, reduce stigma and increase empathy. These programs are part of NAMI’s national effort to change attitudes and stereotypes about what mental health conditions are like and how we view the people who have them. 

To begin hosting a NAMI signature program in your community, you must have three certified leaders.  Contact Linda Williams to coordinate the training process.