2024 State Conference Proposals

NAMI Indiana seeks workshop proposals for our State Conference that encourage mental health education and innovation and are informed by theory, research, and practice. Proposals should address the diverse perspectives and voices of our mental health community. The 2024 State Conference will take place in Indianapolis on Friday, October 11, 2024. 

Each year, hundreds of Hoosiers gather for the NAMI Indiana State Conference for the latest in research, training, recovery models, mental health experts, and information on new policies that affect the lives of children and adults living with mental health conditions. 

Read the submission guidelines and submit your proposal for our 2024 Conference. The deadline to submit a proposal is Sunday, June 9, 2024

We seek proposals for the following tracks:

Read more about each of these tracks on the Call for Proposal guidelines

You may also learn more about the State Conference tracks by viewing the 2023 State Conference program here