NAMI Affiliates in Indiana

The strength of NAMI is in our grassroots membership. NAMI Affiliates (NAs) are created by groups of individuals who embrace the mission of NAMI and its commitment to building a community of hope for all of those in need. There are over 600 affiliates around the country. There are 16 local affiliates in Indiana serving various communities. You can find your local affiliate using the map or the list below. 

In addition to local affiliates, NAMI Indiana supports college and high school clubs called NAMI on Campus. NAMI On Campus clubs work to end the stigma that makes it hard for students to talk about mental health and get the help they need. Clubs hold creative meetings, hold innovative awareness events, and offer signature NAMI programs through partnerships with NAMI State Organizations and Affiliates across the nation.

NAMI Madison County 

(Anderson)193 Scott Dr.Anderson, IN

NAMI Kokomo

Contact NAMI on Facebook

NAMI Delaware County 

(Muncie) Connect on Facebook 

NAMI South Central 

(Bartholomew & Jackson Counties)namisouthcentral@gmail.comwww.namisouthcentralin.orgConnect on Facebook

NAMI West Central Indiana 

615 N. 18th St, Suite 104Lafayette, IN www.nami-wci.orgConnect on Facebook

NAMI St. Joseph County 

(South Bend)

NAMI Elkhart County

Lorie CopelandColleen

NAMI East Central Indiana


NAMI Evansville

Larry on Facebook

NAMI Ft. Wayne

2200 Lake St. Ste 110Fort Wayne, IN Connect on Facebook

NAMI Greater Indianapolis

911 E. 86th St., #70Indianapolis, IN www.namiindy.orgConnect on Facebook

NAMI Grant/Blackford Counties


NAMI Greater Bloomington Area

Jill Giffinnamigreaterbloomingtonarea@gmail.comnamigreaterbloomingtonarea.orgConnect on Facebook

NAMI Southeast Indiana


NAMI Lake County
(219) 513-9457 

nami@namilakecountyin.orgwww.namilakecountyin.orgConnect on Facebook

NAMI Vigo County

(Terre Haute)Cathie www.namivigocounty.orgConnect on Facebook

Don't see an affiliate in your area? Interested in starting an affiliate? Visit our page on how to start an affiliate.