What is NAMI Basics?

NAMI Basics is a free, 6-week education program for parents and family caregivers of children and teens who are experiencing symptoms of a mental health condition. NAMI Basics is offered in a group setting so you can connect with other people face-to-face.

You'll learn the facts about mental health conditions and how best to support your child at home, at school and when they're getting medical care.  Last year, 99% of participants told us they would recommend the program to other parents.

The course is taught by a trained team with lived experience—they know what you're going through because they've been there. The 6-session program provides critical strategies for taking care of your child and learning the ropes of recovery. At NAMI Basics, you'll find out that you're not alone. Recovery is a journey, and there is hope. The group setting of NAMI Basics provides mutual support and shared positive impact—you can experience compassion and reinforcement from people who understand your situation. You also can help others with your own experience.

NAMI Basics is available both in person and online through NAMI Basics OnDemand. 

What You’ll Gain

By participating in NAMI Basics, you’ll realize that you are not alone. You’ll find support and shared understanding—compassion, reinforcement and empathy from people who truly get your situation. And don’t forget: Your experiences may also help others in the course. Together, you will all learn that recovery is a journey, and there is hope.

NAMI Basics Covers: