NAMI Indiana is the state organization of the National Alliance on Mental Illness. We are a grassroots public charity helping people living with serious mental illnesses, their families and friends. We support local NAMI Affiliates, train volunteer leaders, provide continuing education for professionals, and partner for systems change at the state level. Please explore to learn more about our mission and impact.

“With NAMI and my treatment providers, my relationship with my family has actually grown much stronger and better…NAMI Indiana has made such a difference in my life and in the life of my family.”

- Ray L., NAMI Indiana Board Member and Volunteer

“Important work is being done to create large-scale change and we all have to do our part. Great job!”  

– NAMI Indiana Mental Health & Criminal Justice Summit Attendee

“NAMI, for me, has been a beacon of light. Without NAMI, I wouldn't be here.” 

- Dawn D., NAMI Indiana Volunteer